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Data security

Our systems are built to protect your data ensure security of usage for your clone and provide exclusive access to your family or friends for creating custom voice overs using text to speech.

  • Exclusive Access

    Your friends or family will have exclusive access to your cloned voice and all access points are authenticated by 2-factor authentication (2FA) with clear role segregation, periodically reviewed for risk assessment.

  • Data Security

    Our AI models and voice data is stored in Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is compliant with PCI-DSS level 1, SOC 1, SOC 2 and SOC, FedRAMP, GDPR, HIPAA/HITECH, and more. All data flowing across our servers in the AWS global network is automatically encrypted at the physical layer before it leaves the secured facilities. Service-to-service TLS connections and encrypted data transfer over HTTPS using SHA-2 compliant cipher suites ensure additional security.

  • Ethical AI

    All data flowing across the AWS global network that interconnects our data centers is automatically encrypted at the physical layer before it leaves the secured facilities. Service-to-service TLS connections and encrypted data transfer over HTTPS using SHA-2 compliant cipher suites ensure additional security.